Had a decent day at work. Was busy. I prefer that. I was also productive. My girlfriend and I email regularly during work days to chat about our lives. Today we were both suffering from hormone overload and decided we needed to get together tonight. I haven't seen her for a long time so YAY!
Ran home after work to let the dog out and change into some jeans. Was dreading the jeans part because I'm so fat lately between water retention and just plain being too fat again. (Weight Watchers, here I come again!) Anyway, I get to my front door and find a nasty gram there from the park office. I, my friends, am trailer trash. Anyway, the park office is threatening retribution if I don't get my leaves raked by Thurs. 9 AM! Bastards!! I hate those people sometimes! Then things got even better...
I walked in, feeling like a snarling animal (hormones and this place annoys the shit out of me on a good day) and notice an odor in the air. My darling shi-tzu, Bruiser, had the hershey squirts all over the floor while I was at work and decided to walk around in it too for good measure! Lovely! I tip toe over that disgusting mess and pick up my disgusting puppy to take him outside. Then I begin the cleaning process. Gag!
It was partially dried and crusty and took some elbow grease to get off the floor. I need to wash a rug also. Debating if I should just throw it and start over honestly. Then I grabbed my gross puppy and threw him in a bath. He doesn't like baths but I don't like crap coated dogs either and guess what? I won!
Squeezed myself into too tight jeans (they all are too tight right now...by next week they'll be better...after the bloat and all the retained water decides to clear out). Hit the road to the mall. Friend calls to find out where to meet and I launch into my bitch session...why wait to be in person? She tells me she is so thrilled to be meeting with me tonight (sarcasm is dripping).
After a few hours of eating, drinking, shopping and bitching I feel much better! Plus I'm in my sweats. Oh forgot to wrap up the leaf issue...called my son and told him he could take some $ off his insurance payment if he came over and cleared the leaves. Yes of course he says! He's a good boy :)
I would have been in a spot if not for him. Tomorrow is supposed to thunderstorm. Tonight I had plans and those are rare lately with this pal of mine...our schedules do not match well for getting together. So without his help I would have had to cancel tonight to rake leaves.