Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Don't wave your penis in my face!!

I had another thought about the impact of social media on people.  I noticed today that someone had posted a rant against Facebook.  Side note...Facebook now sends me text messages since I've shut off all notifications so I get at least one daily text from FB highlighting something they think I'd be interested in.  Anyway, it didn't make me want to run back to FB to read the post.  I'm still busy enjoying the serenity I'm finding without social media bombarding me with negative messages incessantly!  

I had this thought after getting the text that maybe part of the reason I was feeling crazy and apparently some others do also, is that Social Media gives us a platform that we've never had before.  Now people will read what we write about our beliefs and ideas.  We have a bit of an illusion that we can really make a difference because of this and then some of us are hurt and angry when nothing changes or worse yet, people get pissed off and don't want any more to do with us.  

In reality I think most of us individually have very small impacts on the big picture of our country.  Our impacts are important but we aren't creating laws or passing legislation.  We're electing people to do that for us.  I think our votes are very important because of this!  

When we vote for someone we should be paying attention to them and what they say and do and how they perform their job.  We don't do these things but we put them in a position to do them for us.  If they don't do that, should they get to keep their jobs?  Just because we recognize their name (Psst Mitt Romney - I'm nudging you because I don't think you've been doing the job a lot of people wanted you to do) doesn't mean they should get the job. Do some research and pay attention to the folks who are running and do your best to make an informed decision.  You may end up suffering the embarrassment of a Governor Jesse Ventura (like me) when he seemed pretty alright before election and turned back into a wrestler and conspiracy theorist after. 

We really do need to try to understand what's going on and how our representatives are doing their jobs for us.  Because WE gave them their jobs.  WE DID!  We should not forget that!   President Trump is president because the American people gave him the job.  Same with Obama before him.  They are doing that job by the grace of their constituents.  It's our job to make sure we hold them to the job we "hired" them to do.  This goes for every person we elect into a job.  Stop electing them if they aren't doing the job WE gave them to do!

(oh yeah?)

If we want to have a bigger impact then we need to try to be those people that other people elect.  And if we try to become them, we need to recognize who "hired" us and what our job is.  And then do it!

Anyway, I guess the point of this was the "lie" of Facebook and Instagram, to a lesser extent.  Those are the only 2 I have really bothered with but I know there are more out there.  Social media gives us the illusion of a platform...well maybe not an illusion because it actually is a platform...but has anyone changed their politics because someone went on a rant on social media?  Think about that before you waste your energy and instead put your efforts to where it really matters - your vote.  

If you want to summary - shut the fuck up about your politics.  Most people don't give 2 shits and would prefer that you keep it to yourself.  Trying to remember a quote about religion and it applies to politics's like your's good that you have it but not so great when you wave it around in other people's face.  Or the meme below that I just found 😁

Side Note:  My hubby just came home and announced that our step son was going to cook supper tonight and that he dropped beer at the grocery store.  He walked out of the office to do his thing and I thought about how good a beer would be so decided to give it a shot.

I hollered "why hasn't anyone brought me a beer yet?"

A little shuffling around and then Ken asks if I'd rather have one of my fluffy drinks - hard lemonade or strawberry so I opted for strawberry and he brought it to me.  

How's that for kind of awesome?  You just yell and they bring you drinks!  Life is good 😏