You may have noticed that Bruiser was wearing a blue hoodie in my last post. My Mom got that for him shortly after one of his haircuts because she thought he looked cold. I moved into another zone I'd never been in before...a dog with a wardrobe.
Bruiser is already prissy enough in certain ways. He doesn't like walking on grass because it pokes his feet. He won't run in fields. When he gets tired he lays down...doesn't matter if you're in the middle of a walk. If you want to keep walking you get to carry him! He is a fussy eater. If someone at a petstore offers him a treat, he will politely take it and just as politely set it on the floor. He won't eat it. It's not one of his pre-approved treats. He has very few of those and they tend not to offer them as freebies. He doesn't have much use for other dogs. Bruiser is kind of a pain. And now he has "outfits".
The blue hoodie was the beginning of a collection. He has a green sweater with leaves embroidered on it. He has a black top with a skull on it somewhere tho I haven't seen it for a while. Maybe some other dog got jealous and took it. He has a few collars...there's a Halloween themed collar on the floor in my living room right now for some strange reason. I think Penelope was playing with it on her last visit a week or so ago. Shows how often I clean.
Once Lacey dressed him up as a clown for Halloween. He looked ridiculous and not terribly thrilled about it! Lucky for him that costume was a bit small so they didn't leave it on him for long.
Bruiser doesn't mind wearing sweatshirts/sweaters. He even seems to enjoy them! But I found out where he draws the line one winter. He doesn't tolerate cold well so on the rare occasion I'd take him for walks in the winter, he would end up crying fairly quickly and trying to walk without putting his feet on the ground. Would have been funny if it wasn't for the fact that he was really not having any fun!
I got the bright idea to get some booties for him to wear so the cold couldn't hurt his feet! Ran to Petsmart and picked some nice ones out and came home all excited to try them out!
Let's just say that Bruiser HATED the booties! With a mad passion!! Surprisingly he cooperated until I got 2 of them on his front paws. Then he staggered around a bit (dogs walk REALLY funny in booties...or at least Bruiser does). He finally lay down and wouldn't walk anymore. He was trying to chew them off. Frustrated, I decided to take them off before he ruined them and he bit me! This was a shock because Bruiser doesn't bite his people. He'll bite other dogs but not his people. So I had to wrestle those booties off him and avoid some flashing tiny teeth doing it! Luckily for me he's a rather pussy biter, which makes me wonder what kind of pussies those groomers were who couldn't handle him for a haircut!
Bruiser will never be a bootie wearing dog.