It's Monday. I figure that's enough reason for some complaining so here goes with the items that have annoyed me today:
HILLARY CLINTON (please go away your majesty - I'm sick of you)
I'm really sick of seeing Hillary Clinton articles EVERY day. It's like she's waiting for the coronation again and the press is ready to hand it to her. Whether anyone else is, that's another story.
My suck up co-workers just made me look bad again. Unless I decided to suck up also. Which goes against my grain. If they'd just shut their pie holes unless it really is something special I would be happier. As it is they seem to use any excuse to gush.
An ongoing problem that caused repeated crashes and lack of productivity is going to be fixed. I'm glad it's finally getting fixed! Then the suck ups start one upping each other. First one exclaims how excited she is. Second says she's VERY excited. Do I say how deliriously excited I am? Dial tone from me. No wonder I'm not the favored one. I've earned it apparently. I'll own that.
Nuff said on that subject.
Pissed me off. I prefer the term agnostic, but I am one. This morning one of those smug little pictures that gets passed around on facebook aimed my way, accusing me of wanting to tear down crosses at the 9/11 site.
Newsflash: I don't care if there is a cross at the 9/11 site! I'm guessing very few of us horrible atheists do. There always have to be some pain in the asses but most of us probably don't spend much time on this kind of thing.
I get really sick of being generalized and demonized for my beliefs or lack thereof. I guess I missed the memo from the other atheists about how we hate Christians and all symbols of Christianity just because we don't believe. (need a sarcasm font) Guess if we don't think the same, we must be evil and hateful right? Are Christians that afraid of other ways of thinking? Must they demonize anyone who has a different point of view?
There's a lot of hate and misinformation flying around out there, about many things, so I normally try not to take it personally but sometimes I feel like I just have to say something. This is one of those times.
So far that's my bitches for this fine Monday. The sun is shining and no rain in the forecast for today so it is a beautiful day! Hopefully it will all be bliss from here!