I'm trying to recall my dreams of last night. They were really weird. Here's what I recall...
(dream smoke rolls in)
I'm talking on the phone with my granddaughter Brooke. She's telling me she doesn't really like the earrings I sent her. I was telling her how my friend Kim and I had been shopping and thought they were cute, so I got them for her, but if she doesn't like them...we were trying to figure out who she would give them to.
(cut away...gets blurry here)
I'm looking frantically for something. I suddenly remember I'm on the phone with Brooke and I get stressed because we hadn't said good-bye! I find my phone, she's still on it so we continue to visit.
At this point I realize I have no pants on. Not even underwear! And there are people in my house! People I don't know!
I try to get into my bathroom but the door is shut and Lacey says she shut it for my convenience. ??? Someone comes out and someone else goes in right away. I sit there, balled up, trying to hide that I have no pants on, asking Lacey who are these people in my house? She doesn't respond. I keep trying to hold my conversation with Brooke, like nothing weird is happening on my end.
I start wondering if I'm going senile? That would explain my lack of pants and forgetting I'd been on the phone with Brooke...oh no, I'm going senile!
Then I wake up.
As I'm trying to remember this dream so I can write it down, I'm making my bed. Then I realize that I forgot to put my shirt on tho I'd planned to be fully dressed when I made my bed. I knew what shirt I was supposed to have on already but there it is, sitting there, not on me. I got distracted thinking about my dream and started making my bed and forgot to put my shirt on. Luckily there aren't any strange people in my house today.
Could I be going senile?