Thursday, August 22, 2013

Random thoughts to pass the time...

I have a bit over an hour to blow here at work and don't have much to do.  This is a sweet situation since I'm going on vacation for a week and a half and leaving on Sat!  I've done my job and I've done it well!!  But I've done it so well that I'm pretty bored right now so figured I'd blog since I haven't for quite a while.  Hey, it won't change the world but it will help pass the time!

One of my recent thoughts is about how it seems like gay people are coming out right, left and in between!  I feel kind of left out, being a straight person and I'm starting to wonder who is going to do all the breeding?  Nah...there's enough breeders out there.  Too many actually.  Many who shouldn't be breeding in the first place!  Having said that I need to check myself because if my biological grandmother and grandfather, on my Dad's side, had not bred, and they should not have because they wreaked destruction on 2 to 3 generations because of their hideous parenting or lack thereof...boy that sentence ran on!  The point is, if they hadn't bred (I'll avoid the detour this time) I wouldn't be here and that would be tragic in my opinion.  Shit!  I never thought of this before!!  I always have felt offended by hideously bad parents and felt superior to them (well I am).  But now I have to wrap my head around this latest epiphany...that I exist because two super shitty people screwed around and popped out my Dad!  And we won't even go into the continuing saga as to why I shouldn't exist beyond that! 

Anyway, why is everyone suddenly feeling compelled to admit their sexuality lately?  Is there something in the water?  I just feel like it's kind of weird I guess.  I'm kind of tired of it because honestly I don't care.  I have sex with men.  I like it.  I've never felt compelled to have sex with a woman.  I don't feel bad about that but I did feel good when one finally hit on me because...I always like to feel wanted!  Did anyone care to hear this?  Probably not.  That's my point.  I don't care who anyone wants to have sex with.  As long as it's a consenting adult I'm all for it!  I'd like to go thru a single day without anyone talking about being gay.  Frankly I'm bored with it.  My rainbow flag is tattered from overuse.  (Ok I don't have one of those...I'm trying to illustrate my feelings.) 

And this brings me to another subject that was running through my head yesterday while I was listening to the Lori & Julia talk radio show.  They were talking about how young people these days don't see color (race).  That struck me as super obnoxious!  What the hell is wrong with people seeing color???  I see color when I look at people with different skin than mine!  Kind of impossible not to!  Why are we supposed to pretend we're all the same?  We aren't!  It's nice that we aren't.  Think how incredibly boring the world would be if we were all the same.  Just wrap your heads around that for a bit.  Try it on.  Yawn.  My brain is shutting down from the boredom so going to stop thinking about that.

I see skin color.  It doesn't matter except that some folks can get away with wearing hot pink or yellow and some should NEVER wear those shades! 

That's not the criteria I used when making judgments about people.  Now if they act like an asshole to me or stand around begging for money, then I make some judgments about them.  And I say that begging for money bit because I've been begged at quite a bit lately by white dudes and black dudes and was wondering who would automatically think I was being racist?  Because some will!  Some always think the worst.  Usually the ones who are the busiest running around advertising how open minded and tolerant they are.  It's called irony.  Which, if anyone thinks I'm racist they are feeling smug about my irony comment...if they understand it.  Boy I used some bad grammar in that sentence but not sure how to clean it up...going to leave it.  Notice how I use... a lot?  I like using...

There is a white guy who stands on a corner I drive by on my way to work everyday, holding up a cardboard begging for money.  He has nice tennis shoes.  He looks clean, well dressed and well fed.  Good for him but why should I give him my hard earned money??  I was running into a Walgreens to get some pain meds the other day, for my aching back, and some black kid, walking by, stops between me and the door and asks me for a dollar.  I gave him a glare and said no.  I didn't like how he said it like a reflex.  Why should I give this kid a dollar??  Why does he thing I should?  What is wrong with these people?  Anyway, I'm judging the crap out of those 2...and the guy who drunkenly staggered out of the bar and set up by the road with his cardboard "I'm a homeless vet" sign the other day while I was sitting at a red light.  Nice.  Try to be sober when you beg at least.  But there are suckers who will give them money and feel all angelic and glowy on the inside.  These guys are there to take advantage of the dumb dumbs! 

Have you read about Bradley Manning wanting to start his sex change process now that he's going to prison for 25 years?  Is that why he leaked government secrets?  So he could go to prison and get a free sex change?  This guy is a HUGE pain in the ass!!  Holy crap!!  I want to know who is going to be paying for his hormone treatment.  I'm guessing the government that he betrayed will be doing that won't they?  Nice.  As in, insane. 

I want to say, yet again, how ridiculously glad I am that I was born in this country!!  I'm coming to the conclusion that more places suck to live in, especially being female, and I'm doing the happy dance I wasn't born in any of those suck holes!!  In Re: Egypt's recent shenanigans and for some examples to illustrate my point!  When I get to pissing and moaning I just need to read the news to remember that my life could be much, much worse!

I'm avoiding phone calls at work.  People want money.  I don't like those conversations lately.

Rereading this...I sound kind of bitchy.  That's not super unusual for me when I talk about certain subjects.  Most of the time I'm a ray of sunshine and bliss to those around me!  (I also exaggerate sometimes) 

I'm having allergies.  Taking Claritin every day lately to keep from sneezing my head off but I'm still noticing it.  Perfect timing since I'm about to go on vacation to see my sweetie and he has 2 cats that I'm allergic to!  I may have to spend a lot of time outside on my vacation!  Luckily it doesn't rain a lot in UT so I should be able to pull  that off. 

Does anyone else get weirdly obsessed with things and notice it more so as they age?  Like me?  I'm planning my week and a half long vacation and in the back of my mind I'm thinking, what if my car breaks down when my daughter is using it?  What if Bruiser gets an ear infection?  I'm almost out of meds and they won't give me more unless I spend $300 on his annual check-up.  Everyone wants their piece of the pie.  I don't remember veterinarians being hold-up artists when I was a kid.  Your dog got a rabies and distemper shot and that was enough.  They didn't have to run a billion stupid tests every year!  I NEVER had to bring poop to the vet with my dog when they went in for a check up!  Now they give you the hairy eye-ball when you say no to anything they want to do, like you're a bad puppy parent.  And you walk out after paying $300 for crap you probably didn't need.   I resist.  Bruiser is a senior citizen with some chronic problems so it can be a challenge.  I get incredibly tired of the hairy eye-ball crap.  Though last time the vet agreed that maybe he didn't need a billion tests since he is now over 14 years old and maybe spends 10 mins outside a day since his chronic limp gets bad when he walks much.  He is seriously low risk! 

I detoured again.  This is a good trip since I'm pretty much just obsessing over those 2 things instead of a bunch of things.  Guess it could be worse.  I wonder why I worry about crap like that tho!  I don't think I used to.  I took my kids out to the Black Hills in my crappy little VW Golf years ago and wasn't worried a bit about the car breaking down that I recall.  Now I can't think of making a drive to Duluth without fretting over potential breakdowns and finally calling it off...and I have a good car!  Something is wrong with me.  Maybe I should see a shrink.  If it gets worse I will. 

I don't think I'm supposed to start sentences with And.  Yet another bad habit.  Blarg.