I went to the doctor yesterday. I skipped that last year for the lamest of reasons. Shame. I didn't want to step on the scale and see my official weight. This year, I didn't want to step on that scale either but figured I couldn't let my health go completely to hell because I'm fat and haven't done enough to counteract it.
It was anti-climactic in the end. I wasn't as fat as I thought but wasn't close to slim enough to be proud of anything either. Duh. My doctor didn't even scold me about it.
I got shots in both arms so now my shoulders are sore. In fact, they are the reason I gave up on sleeping this AM and got up before my alarm. I like to sleep on my side and it didn't matter which I tried, it was uncomfortable. On the good side, I got to work really early so therefore I will leave really early. Makes me happy :)
This morning I got an eyeful of the wart on the side of my knee that got treated yesterday. HOLY CRAP!! Having it as a nice quiet wart looked a ton better than it does now that it's a big red angry dying wart! So glad it's not shorts season right now! The doc warned me about pus that could ooze from it in the coming days. This could be perfect timing for Halloween! Maybe I'll just come to work with my wart showing and gross everyone out! Maybe it'll be pussy (pronounce that correctly or else!) and green or black or something by then? Maybe it'll look like gangrene? Or I could claim it is the start of a zombie virus that's attacking my system and it will spread? Things to ponder...
There is possibly some news on the home front. Well there is and there is some more possibly. The factual stuff is that progress has been made! The house has been painted. The baseboards have been replaced and painted and caulked. Tomorrow I start painting soffits. yay. Standing on a ladder for hours with my hands above my head. yay. The gap between the baseboards and skirting has been closed. Looks good! I still have work to do but am making progress and feel pretty good about how it's all looking. Woo Hoo!
Now for the possible news. Nick and Lee are thinking about buying the place. I have mixed feelings about this. One the one hand, it'd be so great to sell the house without even putting it on the market. I'd be another step on the way to my goal! On the other hand, HOLY CRAP!! Yeah, I say that a lot lately but it's how I'm feeling a lot too.
I haven't moved in almost 15 years so the thought of pulling up stakes is freaking me out a bit. I was expecting to spend a comfortable winter here and switch to fixing things up inside, then back to outside work in the spring. My plans could be right out the window! If they do decide to take it over, I'll be moving to a new space by Dec 1st. Moving in Dec does NOT thrill me in the slightest. The timing of that could cause some issues for my later plans. Ick!
I'm doing the debate of trying to find some one's basement or something to live in for 3-4 mos so I can time a lease right. So far I'm not coming up with any feasible options.
I considered talking to my sister about staying in her basement and paying her some rent but she's allergic to my dog so that's out.
Then I considered the back room at my friend Kim's (she offered) but she has a cat (I have allergies to those) and a large dog that Bruiser does NOT like and the long commute to work would be hellish this winter so that option is out.
I think I'm probably stuck finding a place to rent and hoping it all works out ok.
If they decide not to take the place over, I proceed with my original plan, I will feel calmer and the house will get sold anyway. Since they think it's good enough to seriously consider AND they know its good points and bad, I have more confidence in my ability to sell it once it hits the market.