I'm bored. Sitting here at work waiting for something to happen. Everything is put away, my archiving project is done for the year and until I'm done billing Nov. I can't run reports or get started on Dec. Sigh.
At least I can blame others. When I typed that I was thinking about how productive I'd be if I wasn't constantly waiting on others and then I realized I'm not all the productive when I'm left to my own devices either.
I have several projects at home that I have managed to put off for YEARS. So before I start patting myself on the back and thinking I'm the best, I should probably get those done. Will I do that? Probably not...well some day, but it isn't imminent. I have tons of excuses! Like the damaged wood under the kitchen sink that needs to be replaced? I cringe when I think of what that will do to my back. And I don't do it. If replacing the ballcock (said it again :)) in my toilet causes twinges for a couple of days, that project could cripple me! I need to do it if I want to sell the house. People always look under the kitchen sink. The leak is fixed. I think - probably should check that again since this house likes to replay favorite leaks every few years. I got tired of paying plumbers every few years to do repeats so I do it myself now. Fun. So now it's a matter of replacing the damaged wood. Ick.
I don't mind projects that don't require contortionism or brute strength. Sadly there aren't a lot of those. Most require contortions at a minimum. I should design user friendly houses! Where you can comfortably fix plumbing issues or access a water heater! But I'm not creative like that. I don't think. Basically I just don't know how to design a house and am too lazy to learn. And if I did learn they would probably convince me that it is great to save space by making these items awkward and miserable to fix at a later date. Because it keeps happening doesn't it? Yes it does. They're good!
Ok I'm bored with that subject! Here's one...yesterday I had to make a call to a client's AP 800# about some past due invoices. Automated answering services are soul killing. I was literally banging my head on my desk after my 3rd attempt to access a real human being since the automated system was completely useless. Sometimes you need to talk to someone with a brain, you know? Doesn't even require a big brain, but a brain and a mouth that can speak and maybe some fingers that can type and submit tickets to help resolve your problems...that's nice too.
I had to go thru the run around and listen to a perky recorded voice telling me all about how I could sign up for this and that service to make this process even easier than it is! WOW! Easier? I personally think they set those systems up to drive vendors away. I had to get those invoices resolved. It's my job! So when I wanted to stop I would bang my head a little, hang up, and start over. I hated my job right then. A lot. I did get thru finally!! I got all my information to the gal (human) who answered. Then I had to do it again because the ticket she was putting together for me didn't load. But after 2 tries it was all submitted. Now I wait and see if it pays off.
Still waiting on an ex-co-worker (double hyphens!) to get the last of her billing to me. Since she is an ex-co-worker I have no leverage to motivate her poky ass. Dammit! Not that I was successful when she was just a co-worker. She works at her own pace...like dial-up internet. She decided to quit her job here but part of the agreement was for her to finish up her bills for the month. She's dragging that the fuck out!! Drives me bat shit!! I should have been done with all this last week but she feeds a little at a time then announces that's it until tomorrow. Bitch. I just keep telling myself that this is the last month I ever have to deal with her BS. If I get lucky enough to get everything sometime today I may have a drink to celebrate tonight! Maybe not because it's fattening and I am determined to drop some poundage but maybe...
I took a 2 hr walk at MOA last night with my pal Kim. We were setting up a scavenger hunt for some kids to do tonight. I hope it goes well! But the main point is, I exercised and enjoyed it! Aside from my back twinges and then later the hip acting hinky. I should probably go to the chiropractor since these are signals that something is out of whack. But it's a mild annoyance at this point so I hate to be bothered. I have important things to do...like go home and bury my nose in a book and hang out with my lazy dog. Tho I should fix the damned kitchen sink boards. Bleah. Chronic guilt...that's what home improvements are. There's always something that should be fixed or maintained. Renting sounds so sweet to me after 15 years as the proud owner of a mobile home with issues.
I'm hungry. I know this is a good thing when I'm trying to lose weight but it gets really old. Maybe I should eat my iffy apple. It'll probably still taste good even tho it's moving into a soft zone. Free points! I'm having a hard time reaching over there and grabbing it. Looks ok, just sitting there. But when I touch it, it won't be all nice and firm like it should be. Well sooner or later I need to either eat the damned thing or throw it away. I think I'll debate on that a bit. I guess I'm not as hungry as I thought if I won't eat my iffy apple yet. It's a honey crisp. Those are good! But still...
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