It was about my diet that I've started again but am not doing well with this week. BLAH!
My accounting software is inaccessible right now so I'm dead in the water at work. Huh. Yesterday was miserably slow here so I decided to leave early since I was going to be so busy today. I'm not busy yet. Is it Monday?
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It's my blog so I can do what I want. |
World of Warcraft came out with a new patch this week that has me re-addicted to the game. I haven't even been leveling my little shadow priest! Been too busy doing pet battling.
The reason I started pet battling is because I apparently am even crowd phobic in virtual reality. They opened up a new area called Timeless Isle. Everyone and their Onyxian Whelplings seem to have arrived at the isle simultaneously!
If you want to find a quest giver, just look for a pile of toons mobbing in one area instead of running and leaping around like fools in a more random pattern. Somewhere in the toon pile you'll find your quest giver. Have fun clicking on him/her to get your quest!
I explored the isle, picked up some sweet epics (some of which I need to mail to my other toons as my druid can't use them) and fulfilled several quests. Then, as the mobs were getting on my last nerve, I decided I needed to figure out this pet battling thing. It's perversely addicting. I use my battle pets to fight wild pets and then trap them and use them to fight more, etc. And there is a quest series associated with it. Best part? No mobs for me to deal with!
I should probably go back to the isle while everyone is running amok since the drops are higher at the moment and I have a chance at getting some good gear and loot. Already ramped up 5 equipment levels the first night I was there!
My druid is raid ready! Now I just need to study some raids so I don't totally blow it for the group by acting like a complete noob. I'm sure there will be plenty of others to blow it who won't study the raids but are now geared to that level.
I haven't raided since I started playing after over a more than 2 year hiatus from the game. I used to raid a lot and have fond memories of it. My brother, sister and I ran Karazhan not too long ago and we were 1-2 shotting bosses that used to take a huge amount of coordination, patience and skill to bring down. It was bittersweet. I remember all the strategy and the hours we spent working through those bosses! I also remember goofing off with my friends, whispering to each other about nonsense that had nothing to do with the game, dancing, leaping, jumping and generally goofing off and then, I'd realize I had no idea what the raid leader had been talking about for strategy and had to hope I wouldn't nerf it for everyone. Being a mediocre boomkin I wasn't exactly a power player so most of the time my role wasn't too tricky. DPS and off-heals and an occasional off-tank job. By the way, the new patch gave my armor a bump in boomkin form again - WOO HOO!!! For a while it seemed pointless for me to be in that form except for the crit bump I gave my teammates. I'm looking forward to learning some new fights in the new expansions!
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this is my druid in moonkin aka boomkin aka critchicken form - adorable huh? |
Still waiting for my accounting software to come on line. (eye roll) I'm here to keep my chair warm. I move occasionally so the lights stay on in here. Sigh. I should quit bitching. I have a job at least. I earn enough to pay the bills. Life could be worse! But when you look at your life and each minute that you can't get back and how you spend those minutes, sometimes...
I bitch about pointless hours at work, not working much when how much of my life do I waste playing WoW? But then again, I like WoW! It's fun! Work...not so much. (Note to self - take a bike ride tonight or something)
I have moments where I feel good about work. Like earlier this week when I finally sat back after a race to catch up after vacation (not totally caught up yet but getting there) and was feeling like I totally rocked because I am stinking FANTASTIC at this job!! For real! I was enjoying a moment of serenity. Savoring it really. I had plans for the next day (yesterday) to be all productive but they basically fell through. I was going to work in archiving. Got started but when I hauled the first load of files to the shredding box I discovered it was packed full to the gills. So I ended up tidying up the work area where I'd previously thrown contract binders all over the floor, because I wasn't going to be able to finish the job that day. So I went back to my office to wait for time to be posted so I could get rolling with billing. While I waited I chased some past due receivables. Did some filing. Twiddled my thumbs. Pondered my existence. Finally gave up and went home thinking today would be busy. And I can't work yet today. Sigh.
This AM it was really, really hard to get out of bed! Last night I was feeling old. Earlier this week I did lunges while watching TV. Figured it'd be good exercise. It probably was but with my crappy knees I'm still paying for it. The reason I bring this up is that my knees now ache bad enough when I'm sleeping to wake me up. Repeatedly. The right knee in particular. It's getting old. I'm getting old! For crying out loud I only did a few lunges! Should I have to go through days of pain over this? (sound of tiny violin playing)
Just got another email that Vision is down. I knew that 2.5 hours of non-productive time at work ago. I'm so ahead of the game!
I shouldn't have eaten breakfast early. It's only 10 AM and I want lunch now. Should I keep writing until Vision is available? What if it takes all day? I would be writing a book almost! I'd have to start thinking of plot lines and character development!
We're going camping this weekend. By going camping I mean driving a few miles to a campground and setting up tents to sleep in. No big trips or touristy things. This is meant to give Penelope (my 3 year old granddaughter) a life experience. It could be a rather interesting life experience since it's possibly going to rain that night and I'm bringing my crabby, somewhat senile, deaf old pup, Bruiser along since we can't leave him at home alone for that long. It will be an adventure! I need to get my camping stuff organized. I should start on that tonight. See what tents I want to bring. Get equipment from storage. It'll get cool (into the 50's) at night so will need to make sure everyone, including Bruiser, is warm enough. And then there is the menu! I heard of making smores with Reese's Peanut Butter cups instead of Hershey's chocolate and have to try it! Maybe it won't be as good but you never know until you try! (Diet huh? Yeah right.) I'm looking forward to it! As long as I go into the adventure not expecting much in the way of sleep and with a plan to nap when we get home on Sunday, it should be just fine!
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slobber, drool |
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sugar rush face |
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gratuitous Bill Murray pic |
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