The morning started out right. Aside from being below zero, we had sun and some pretty spectacular sun dogs, which I got lucky enough to see. Normally I don't see them because it's dark when I get to work but today I went to the dentist for a deep cleaning. I got to sleep in an hour too so see? It was a good start!
The dental tech was a sweetie. She'd taken care of me before and I like her. She has eyes like the Hunger Games gal. I'll admit I'm a little star struck when she looks at me over her paper mask. She started out by putting some numbing agent in my mouth before she started sticking me with needles. Why do they make things cherry flavored? It tastes like shit. Never had an actual cherry that tasted bad like that in my life!
So then the needle and poking...not so bad. Then the numbness. Upper lip is gone. Part of nose is gone. Can't feel epiglottis anymore, which is something you never think about but you do notice when you can't feel that little bugger!
She tells me to let her know if I need more numbing...if I feel pain. I decide I will tough it out as a reminder to myself to FLOSS since I don't like to do it and therefore do not do it as often as I should. I think I will remember now.
It stung. Some of the digging around and chipping and chiseling was downright unpleasant! And then when she takes the suction hose into you mouth and you're supposed to close your lips on it so it can suck the crudded up spit out? Well how in the hell are you supposed to close your lips when you can't feel them? Let's just say that part didn't go well and there was some drooling and I swallowed some crudded up spit.
And my tummy was growling. I did eat before I went but apparently not enough because my tummy was putting up an embarrassing show! You'd think I never feed the damned thing the way it acts sometimes!
Anyways, I got thru this in good time...cut 30 minutes off the estimate and she'd told me the numbness should wear off in a couple of hours so I figured it'd be great and I could eat around 10:30 AM.
That didn't quite work out. She'd told me to drink to wash some numbing agent out faster since the lower jaw wasn't numbed with needles since people don't like having numb tongues (go figure). I tried to drink. I really did! I dribbled. It's really hard to drink without an upper lip!
Also, I need to mention that when my upper lip is numbed I REALLY have a case of "resting bitch face syndrome". BAD.
So, I got to work and I optimistically ordered lunch a bit after 11 AM. Jimmy John's is really fast and I had it within seconds! My lip was feeling partially alive again so I ate. I ate messily though carefully. Food kept falling out of my mouth. I managed to drink too with minimal dribble. Huzzah!
Later, when the numbness finally wore off, I could feel that my lips and cheeks and gums had all been abused. The tech told me to pay close attention to my oral hygiene for the next while since she'd opened up a bunch of "pockets" in my gums for stuff to hide in and it will take a little while to heal. Fun times! I refuse to floss tonight. I know I'm bad but my mouth has been tortured enough. Anything I ate today gets to hide in the pockets for a night. Since my gums are apparently loose and flappy now, I think it should be easy to get that shit out later, right?
Work was really slow. Sudoku and trying to stay awake slow. I decided not to waste another hour of my life doing nothing and to go out and Xmas shop instead. Time to accomplish something useful!! I checked my email from home and turns out that was a good call because none of the people I've been waiting on got back to me. I would have wasted that last hour doing nothing.
So I shop! I am crossing things off my list and feeling pretty good! I have minor annoyances with my pants which I'll go into later but overall it was good. Ran home to make a grocery list for the weekend of baking cookies. Penelope followed me around demanding granola bars, which she wasn't allowed to have because it was too close to supper. Didn't stop her from trying.
Back out the door and off to the races! It's now rush hour and getting across Hwy 65 has become the nightmare. Anyone who lives in this area knows what I'm talking about. If you are trying to CROSS 65, you will wait your turn because the traffic lights allow about 3 cars per green, whilst if you are up/down on 65, you will drive almost like you're on an uninterrupted highway. I hate hwy 65. Always have. Finally got across and off to the Walmart where I shopped like a madman. And nearly wept at the price tag. Well I didn't really but I did comfort myself that I returned some $13 slippers, like that made a dent. It did tho. $13 worth of a dent.
Then I get home. I start hauling stuff in the house. Load after load with a break after each to pull my damned pants up. Here's where I vent about my damned pants. Last weekend I shopped also and was SO EXCITED to find a pair of LONG pants <♫angels sing here♫> in a larger size that the other pairs I have. I like the other pairs but they give me such a damned muffin top that it's embarrassing. I guess, in all honesty, my fat gives me the muffin top, but still, I was excited to get some pants that conceivably would NOT give me a muffin top AND were long enough that I wasn't walking around looking like a dork (like usual).
The reality of these pants is they don't stay up worth a damn. I need a damned belt. They try to slide down off of me and escape all the damned time. It gets incredibly annoying when I walk more than 3 steps!
And then the thought of buying a belt. For some reason I can never find a decent leather belt that will fit around my hips. I like jeans that ride the hips. I hate waist high jeans. It's a thing.
I'm not a tiny person. Even when I'm thin, I'm not a tiny person. I have some curves. I have a butt. My calves don't like skinny jeans but that's another story.
I'm bitter. I remember back in the day when I was preggers and heard about sales on maternity pants and they were ALWAYS short. I used to wear men's jeans because I could get long enough legs but since I've gotten curves when I buy to fit my butt my waist is HUGE if I try to go for men's jeans. So I'm trapped in the eternal nightmare of trying to find long jeans, in the women's dept, in my size. I don't like shopping very much so this is more of a problem for me than most. I missed that female shopping gene. When I go "shopping" with my girlfriends it is code for eating, drinking and bitching about work/etc and then wandering around looking at shoes until the buzz wears off so I can go home.
Sometimes I'll go to Marshall's or JCP but I usually don't buy anything since I usually don't find anything I want. I have to be in the mood to spend money. That doesn't happen super often. I usually think I'm too broke. It's a thing. Works for me tho.
I have a $20 limit for shoes. If I like shoes and they are less than $20 I might buy them. Tho I won't lately because I have way too many shoes. They are trying to escape my closet all the time. I need to cull the herd.
Everything is now put away. I'm sitting so my jeans can't piss me off. They are quite comfy for sitting in. My next plan for tonight is to become a waste of skin and play some World of Warcraft and let my tongue fondle the wasteland in my mouth. I'm in a better mental place right now than when I was bundled up and trying to hike my pants up thru my down filled coat before I ran outside to get more groceries to haul in. There was a lot of OMFG's going on then. A LOT.
Know what's lame? I've been working on this and it's 8 PM and I've had a cocktail and am wondering if I want to play WoW or go to bed. IT'S FREAKING 8 PM AND I'M PONDERING GOING TO BED ON A FRIDAY NIGHT!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!!
And a cocktail is too strong a word. A little Jeremiah weed and limeade in a plastic glass. With a straw. Cause I'm classy like that!
Thththththat's all folks!
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