Most days don't work that way. Birthdays...sort of. Christmas...very much the same as Thanksgiving for this memorial quality. There is no way for me to make it thru a major holiday without the ghosts of Thanksgiving (or Christmas) past joining me. Luckily I like ghosts!
The holidays are all about memories. That's part of the magic of them.

Today I think about the last 28 years in MN, spending most holidays at my sister's home. I remember our kids taking the video recorder and filming movies using olives and corks, etc. They were actually pretty hilarious and inventive!
I remember when my kids were little enough to snuggle in my lap. They were so adorable and there are few things in the world more satisfying than snuggling with your child.
I'll be honest and admit I miss that! To my kids: this is not an invitation to snuggle on my lap next time I see're too big! I will use my grandkids for this now. Sorry! But know that I really, really loved it when you were small enough and fit just right and I miss your little versions sometimes! Some of you have kids old enough to understand exactly what I mean!
I'm really enjoying these memories! I remember the huge feasts at Stacey & Jesus' place, since none of us had any restraint during the holidays. We'd cook everything that we could think of to cook and in sizable quantities! It was so much fun! And delicious.
Then I think back to being a kid. I remember my sister and I "practicing" for thanksgiving. I think it was my sister and I??? It could have been either or both brothers too. I wish my memories were always crystal clear but alas, they aren't.
Anyway, I do remember that we ate like pigs for a few weeks ahead of time to stretch our tummies so we could eat massive amounts on the big day. It worked! We crawled from the table to digest and laid on the floor in the living room until pie time because we were so full! Our mother was disgusted with us - we had new guests at that meal and she wasn't impressed with our gluttonous performance.
Some of my best memories are of the holidays in Rugby. We had grandparents and aunts and uncles up there. Cousins from there and out of town would come. We'd all be sent to play in the basement. The adults wanted a break and honestly, we had so much fun down there!
I loved it when Grandpa Lester would set up the movie camera and play home movies from years past. Sometimes he'd run them super fast or backwards. It was hilarious to see Grandma Barbie slide backwards up snowbanks or see us all tearing around, dancing or picking tiger lilies at top speed!
I also loved the times when Grandma Barbie would sit at her piano and we'd all gather around and sing together. I sit here and think of that and remember the faces and the way we looked then and in hindsight I think we even sounded pretty good!
It was a wonderful time for family to gather and still is. Pieces of my heart remain in all of those places. I still remember Rugby as it was in my mind's eye. My loved ones still smiling and giving hugs instead of passed.
My heart is still in MN with my kids and my family there. In my mind's eye, I know what they'll be doing today. I know the smiles and the hugs and the happy people who will be feasting at my sister's later today! Lacey said they will face time me later so I'll get to see all those faces for a bit today too!
I'm looking forward to enjoying this day with Ken and his kids. There will be feasting, smiling, laughing and games.
I've been blessed to have wonderful people that I love with me during the holidays. I wish the same blessing for all of you!
May your memories be warm and make you smile! May today be another memory to add to the long list of good things you'll remember in the years to come!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
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