I've been paying mild attention to the election results today. Not heavy attention becuase that'll just suck any joy out of my day!
I'm reminded of when I was a kid and didn't care about politics. I survived and didn't know the difference!
I'm trying to adopt an adapted version of that mentality. I want to keep myself informed so I can make good decisions when I vote. At the same time I need to keep a grip on reality and despite what the news and social media says, and despite the unfair bias that has become really painfully obvious, I'm not going to get sucked into their vortex of hating my fellow Americans if they don't vote the way I do or be a chicken little, determined that the sky is going to fall if things don't go my way.
The reality is that there will be some changes - I expect my taxes to go back up if Biden ends up as president. I expect more of a nanny state effect. I expect some negative impact on my investments so will probably adjust them into lower risk investments. I'll be honest - I've REALLY enjoyed watching my money grow under Trump! That may be coming to an end.
So I'll have to make some adjustments. I already pretty much hate being around people because of the current nanny state so I doubt that'll change a lot. I tend to avoid things that require me to be around people as much as possible and it's NOT because I'm afraid of Covid! I just hate the masks and the level of stupidity surrounding this (like wear a mask on a plane unless you need to eat, that's ok, just put the mask back on after and we'll all be safe - another moronically stupid example that I recently experienced - heaven forbid that they lose a chance to sell you food while you're in their petri dish tube of a plane!)
I will find my own ways to survive a Biden presidency. It makes me slightly nauseous to consider it but what choice do I have? I ain't like some people and skipping the country!
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