1) There is a bathroom right next door and I can hear it flush and the hand dryer blow whenever it's used. At least I haven't experienced any bad odors so I'll admit this could be worse. I will take the long walk down the hall to use the public bathroom, thank you very much! I passed the owner of the company coming back from that bathroom today...I'm not the only one that isn't fond of our new bathroom. Plus it has a shower. Really? They think staff is going to shower right next to the reception area? If they do, I hope they sing in the shower and entertain us all.
2) I apparently don't move enough because my motion sensor lights turn off sometimes while I'm sitting there working. I also get to experience my co-worker's office lights going on and off on a regular basis as they come and go. It's a bit trippy!
3) I have some new views worth mentioning. First I'll mention what I had at the old office...large windows facing out to the street. I could peep in at the neighbors across the way, watch the occasional red tailed hawk sit on the roof and just enjoy the sky.
Now I have a white wall to look at if I look away from my computer. There's a LOT of white in the new office. A LOT!
OR I can look out my door, into my new boss's office. She doesn't like me. Last time she was in town I think she said "hi" to me once. I think. Maybe I imagined she did to make myself feel better.
The good thing is that she primarily works in TX so mostly it's just an empty office. Bad thing, there will be no escaping her when she's here. NO privacy at all! She can give me the hairy eyeball all she wants and short of ducking under my desk there will be no escape!
4) I'm not seeing any places to put any family pictures. Yet.
5) It's a VERY sterile environment. Today I noticed that my papers blended into the white desktop. Like camouflage. Never thought about white desktops but I have to say, now that I've had a smidgen of experience, I'm against them! They also show every speck of dirt! My mechanical pencil lead snapped off and landed on the desk. I swept my hand over it to scoop it into the garbage and it left a nice gray smear. I haven't bothered to run to the cleaning closet yet. I think I'll live with it for a while. Savor this gray smear on my white desk top. It's like art according to the Walker Art Museum. It could actually go into the Walker Art Museum! Last time I went there I realized I could take a crap in the corner and they'd probably fence it off and call it art. I'm not a fan of the Walker because they put freeze dried dogs in the corner and rub rubber off tires (stinks!) and call it art. I find that flatly insulting. I've seen ART and that ain't ART. It's crap!
Now for my entertainment segment! I'm going to post some pictures I took of myself this past weekend. I'd decided it was time to update my profile picture on facebook so was taking some lovely self portraits. NOT! Actually, when I do this I take a bunch of pictures hoping I won't hate a few. Most of them looked like crap. I tend to get obnoxious in the process because when you look at bad picture after bad picture you (I) finally decide to embrace it. So I tried to do duck lips.
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This is my first try. I think it's safe to say I don't know how to make a "sexy" pucker. |
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I thought I'd try to suck in my cheeks like a model. (I saw this technique on Zoolander.) This did NOT help! |
I was really bored this weekend. Not bored enough to be terribly motivated but bored enough to take duck lip pictures of myself. In fact, I savored the boredom! I rolled around in it like a dog rolls in garbage!
Well, this was an interlude. Time to brace myself to go back to my white, white office tomorrow. Or just try to forget for a few hours and enjoy having some color around me. I'm tempted to bring in some magic markers and do a little artwork on the wall to break the monotony.
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