Monday, January 16, 2012

feeling snarly

I gained 1.4 lbs last week.  Way to not diet dipshit!!  And do I feel motivated?  I just feel bitchy.  Fucking hormones!  Also, fucking annoying clients! 

Today I dug into the most recent problem a major client sent to me.  Turns out that I sent them a correction back in November and if they'd ever process and pay their damned bills the 2 more recent inquiries would have been unnecessary.  Drives me bat shit!  Some days I think it'll be nice to start fresh someplace else.  I get really sick of this kind of crap.  I know going elsewhere will just replace one pile of crap to deal with, with a different pile of crap.  But at least it'll be fresh!  In the real world old crap is less offensive than new crap but in figurative sense, it's the opposite. 

I gotta see if I can get thru this day without inflicting my bitchy self on too many people.  Oh, I am getting my tires rotated tonight because I'm paranoid that one of them will fall off after my "fun with tires" fiesta back in November.  And I forgot to bring my book so I get to sit and stare at the people around me while I wait.  What fun!  NOT! 

It's such a fucking Monday.