Monday, October 8, 2012


Tonight I feel dulled.  Muted.  It was a long day.  Didn't get home until after 7.  Dog crapped on the floor.  Was frantic to eat his supper.  So was I!  Cleaned up his mess, got my work clothes off.  My butt was wet.  I did an emergency rescue of Lacey & Penelope after Lacey's car decided not to start.  While Lacey was putting the car seat in the back and I was chatting with Penelope, her water cup spilled all over the car seat.  So I had a wet butt.  I didn't enjoy it.  So I wanted to change.  Bruiser about had a stroke over it.  He didn't think there was any reason good enough to delay his supper.  It was 2 hrs late after all.  Unacceptable!

I tore around my house tidying up all the stuff I didn't tidy up yesterday.  I did some laundry.  I washed the dirty dishes (quite a mountain by this time).  Then I sat down to look at facebook and froze.  I feel a bit zombie-like.  I think I need to sleep soon.  So I can get up and do it again.  Slight variations but all the same.  I'm slogging down now.  As I type.  Should probably give this up and go to bed.  For some reason I thought something good might come out of this.  I was mistaken.